SEO Services

From £500 per month

We offer a range of SEO services that will improve the organic ranking for your business / charity website. This means it can be found more easily via search engines leading to increased web traffic and greater business success.

We will drive traffic to your website, help you get more customers, and sell more of your products and services. Working with you we will get to understand your business goals and will help you achieve them.

Website checker service

    Our SEO services include:

      • Digital Audit
      • Keyword research
      • Local SEO
      • Content Marketing
      • On-page SEO
      • On-site SEO
      • Off-page SEO / backlink acquisition
      • Technical SEO
      • Web Development
      • Google tag management
      • Reporting
    Alexandra Tarling

    Sam and the team helped put together a comprehensive SEO website performance report for my organisation which has been invaluable for helping us move our communications forward.

    Fill out the contact form to book a call and discuss your SEO needs:

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    What is SEO and do I need it?

    SEO or Search Engine Optimisation alongside broader digital marketing is critical to all businesses these days. SEO is the art of getting your website found in a Google search (or other search engine) for the terms that you want to rank for.

    For example, if your business is to sell luxury yachts, it’s likely that you will attract much more valuable prospects by targeting a key term such as “BARBARA Super Yacht by Oceanco,” rather than “Yacht.” That is because there’s a good chance that someone searching for “BARBARA SuperYacht by Oceanco ” is looking for that specific Superyacht or something very similar.

    Optimising for broad terms, such as “Yacht” has its place. But there is no doubt that a broad keyword will attract a more generic audience. And they might not be looking for what you have to offer. Instead it is important to be more specific, know your customer and go for the relevant, long-tail keywords.

    Is it expensive?

    SEO work is time consuming. Your competition and the digital platforms you chose to market on are regularly changing. Companies like Google, Facebook and YouTube regularly update how they operate and how they rank websites. New and existing companies also regularly update or create new websites. For these reasons there are no shortcuts to SEO work. See below for our full guide to our SEO process.

    Regular investment is the only true way to get good SEO results. This however doesn’t mean it has to be very expensive.

    Perhaps, the real question should be can I afford not to market my business effectively.

    Daily Bread Consultancy charges an hourly / day rate for our business services. Discounts for multi day bookings are negotiable. After reviewing your business with you we will propose a strategic approach to optimising and developing your business. Together we will set goals for Daily Bread Consultancy to achieve and we will regularly report against these targets.

    Contact us today and find out how we can make your business grow.

    Our on page SEO process – what we do

    The following information describes our on-page SEO process. So let’s start with some basics: What is on-page SEO?

    On-page SEO is the process of optimising a single page on a website so that it can be found via search engines.

    It differs from on-site SEO, which is the process of optimising an entire website. There is a lot of crossover between the two and they are not mutually exclusive. For example, improving the load speed of your site is an on-site SEO action but it will also improve the performance of the individual pages.

    On-page SEO also differs from off-site SEO, which is really just a term used for link building. Link building or off-page SEO is the process of acquiring backlinks to your website.

    On-page SEO is the foundation that you will need for your page to rank well. However, you will most likely need a good number of backlinks as well.

    Why is on-page SEO important?

    On-page SEO is more than just placing keywords on a page. In the past this was the major factor in determining which pages ranked well on Google. Pages would be stuffed with keywords, copywriters using the same word/s over and over again. However it didn’t lead to a good user experience and Google quickly became a lot more sophisticated.

    Keywords are still critical for on-page optimisation. But there is a lot more to the process than in the past.

    What is involved in on-page optimisation?

    On-page optimisation involves:

    1. keyword research
    2. quality copywriting
    3. media, link building
    4. UX or user experience
    5. conversion rate optimisation

    These 5 factors all play a part in fully optimising a page in order for it to rank well in search engines. Putting the effort into on-page SEO will make a significant difference to your business. This process will increase the dwell time on your site, meaning that people will spend more time looking at your products and services. It will build rapport for your brand, meaning that people will have a better experience and trust you more. And in turn it will increase conversions, meaning people will buy more of what you are selling. This is just as important for charities as it is for profit making businesses.

    How we do on-page optimisation

    Step 1 – Measuring performance

    Without being able to measure performance it is impossible to demonstrate the progress being made. You will need Google Analytics installed and fully set up to track organic search terms and conversions. You can use other tools but Google Analytics is pretty hard to beat. If you need help, we can set up and configure Google Analytics for your site as part of our SEO services.

    Make sure that you are also tracking your primary keyword phrase. Tracking individual keywords isn’t as straightforward as it used to be because of localisation, personalisation and other factors. In Google’s quest to give every user the best possible experience it now makes a difference where your customer is searching from with regard to the search results that they will see. This makes perfect sense because if you are looking for a local floor laying specialist in Southampton, there is not much point seeing the results for someone in Glasgow just because they have a well performing website.

    However, you should still be tracking your primary keywords just to make sure you are on the right track. Ahrefs provide good tools for tracking your keyword ranking index but there is a cost for using their tools. 

    Step 2 – Crawling and Indexing

    Is your page crawlable? If the Google spider bots can’t access your web pages then your site won’t rank in Google.

    Robot.txt file and no index tags are two of the most common culprits that could be stopping the Google spiders from ranking your site. Screaming frog is a good free tool to check which of your pages aren’t getting crawled. All you need to do is enter the page you want to crawl and it will check everything that is or isn’t blocking search engine crawlers. Ideally your page will return a status code 200 OK which means there are no problems.

    Is your page indexable? If having a crawlable page is the first step to ranking in Google then the second step is to make sure that your page actually gets indexed. The easiest way to check this is to paste your URL into Google. Established pages should show up. If they don’t then you need to take some additional steps.

    First, check if the page is using the Noindex tag using the Screaming frog tool. If the page passes that test then you need to examine your site architecture. Sometimes your pages can be buried too far into your website for the crawl bots to find them. This can particularly be a problem for e-commerce sites and very large sites.

    Use the site architecture tab within the Screaming frog tool and look under the crawl depth section to find out how far into your site your page is. Ideally it shouldn’t be more than 3 clicks deep.

    If your page passes both of these tests then try the “fetch as Google” tool which you can find in Search Console. Here you can request for Google to index your page.

    The last way to get your page indexed is to acquire backlinks to it.

    So once your page is crawlable and indexed we can focus on the next step in the process.

    Step 3 – Targeting the right keywords 

    Some people overestimate their ability to rank for certain keywords. Thoroughly researching your competitors, extensive keyword qualification and analysis is needed to ensure you are targeting the right keywords for your business.

    A good starting place is to run your keywords through ahrefs keyword explorer tool and you can quickly eliminate keywords based on their KD (Keyword Difficulty) score. New websites or sites with low authority shouldn’t try to rank for terms with a KD score of higher than 50.

    Pick some keywords that score lower than 50 on the KD scale and then explore which of your competitors are ranking for those terms. When researching your competitors you need to compare your website to theirs. Find out the following data points to compare to; DR (domain rating), Backlinks (total number), linking Domains,  and word count for the ranking page. These data points can be used as a blueprint for outranking your competitors. 

    Step 4 – Start targeting your new keywords

    You may have already started trying to rank for your researched keywords. You need to be careful not to fall into the trap of keyword cannibalisation. Keyword cannibalisation is when you try to make multiple pages rank for the same term. This is a problem because it seriously impacts your site’s ability to rank. Instead focus on ranking for one primary key term for each page. Create the page around your chosen keyword and regularly update it. Don’t create or optimise another page for the same keyword.

    The Hub and Spoke model

    You can target similar keywords if the intent for each page is different. For example you might have a page about wooden floors that is informational (types of wood, styles, colours etc) and another page that is transactional (purpose is for people to buy your floors). The key terms for these pages might be very similar but the intent would be clearly different. Google is smart enough to understand the difference between these types of pages but you still need to be careful not to create too many similar pages that surround your primary keyword page.

    Step 5 – Does your page satisfy the searchers intent?

    This is arguably the most important factor in on page SEO optimisation. Does your page satisfy the searcher’s intent? 

    There are 4 primary categories for search intent to consider here.

    • Informational – does your page provide the information or answer to the searcher’s question
    • Transactional – option to purchase the answer / product
    • Comparison – Is X better than Y
    • Navigational – where can I find x, y or z

    Understanding the intent behind your page’s keyword should instruct how you build your page.

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