TV Advertising for Breast Cancer Haven

TV Advertising for Breast Cancer Haven

Whilst working with Breast Cancer Haven, their national development board of benefactors, long term supporters of the charity, raised funds for TV advertising. The board wanted to try something new in the hopes that a TV advert might improve the fortunes of the...
Norman Court CIC

Norman Court CIC

Daily Bread Consultancy has been working with Norman Court CIC for the past 6 months. They required business development and marketing support after a significant period of change. Working closely with the management team we led them through an exercise to refocus...
Fundraising Support for The Handlebar Cafe

Fundraising Support for The Handlebar Cafe

Last night we were privileged guests at a small event to celebrate an income generation milestone for an inspiring youth project. We’ve been delivering fundraising support to SPUD (Space, Placemaking, and Urban Design) Youth for just over a...
What a year! What a great day

What a year! What a great day

Reading Time: 3 minutes I have been running Daily Bread Consultancy for a little over a year now, working with Dee and James, and it has been a roller-coaster of a ride and probably the best year of my career to date. I’ve always enjoyed fundraising and meeting...
What Makes Us Human – Dame Stephanie Shirley

What Makes Us Human – Dame Stephanie Shirley

If you were listening to radio 2 today (06/02/2018) you may have heard the following essay about giving from Dame Stephanie Shirley. Radio 2 asked her the question “What makes us human?” and this is what she had to say on the matter. Many animals behave in...
The Waterfall Trust

The Waterfall Trust

Reading Time: 2 minutes We are excited to be working with The Waterfall Trust.  The Waterfall Trust is a Hampshire based, registered Christian charity that aims to bring hope and restoration to women wanting to overcome addiction.It aims to help women change from...